The Modern Purple Heart award was established by General Order #3, signed by Gen. The Badge of Military Merit, once associated with extraordinary service during the Revolutionary War, evolved into what we now know as the Purple Heart, a decoration synonymous with physical sacrifice.

In that sense, perhaps I was the wrong director to acquit some of the more sexually honest encounters between Shug and Celie, because I did soften those. There were certain things in the relationship between Shug Avery and Celie that were finely detailed in Alice’s book, that I didn’t feel could get a rating. This is not the way I envisioned the scene going down.” She was very supportive during filmmaking, and so I felt that we were doing a good job adapting her novel. Alice was on the set a lot of the time and could have always stepped forward to say, “You know, this is too Disney.
“I made the movie I wanted to make from Alice Walker’s book.

So we picked the worst place in the world to shoot.” You don’t get breaking waves out there, but you get some swells. The problem with shooting in the shallows 10 to 12 miles out to sea is that the shallows pile on the waves. We had a shark arm that only went up so high. It had to be 30 feet, because if it was 40 feet, the shark could never get out of the water. What we had to do was find open sea where you couldn’t see land, and where there was a 30-foot flat sandy bottom so the shark sled would have some place to rest. So I insisted on open sea, but innumerable physical problems came along with that decision. Had we shot in the tank, I don’t think Jaws would have been very successful because it would look really phony. “We had the hubris to shoot on the ocean, not in a tank. My leading lady is still my leading lady.” “The prettiest thing that came out of that film was my future wife. The next day I got a call, and he said, “This is not for me, pal.” That was the end of the conversation.”

Rex chasing Harrison with two kids, and put Harrison’s face on the character of the archaeologist, and sent the script, the book, and the picture to Harrison. “I went to the art department, and I had them do a photorealistic painting of the T. How Harrison Ford responded to being offered Sam Neill’s role in “Jurrassic Park”: I was looking at her in the rearview mirror, and she was talking about the film and she had this really frightened look on her face, and it suddenly clicked, and I said, “Hey, you could be the young Wendy! You could be the young Maggie Smith!” So I turned around and said, “Do you want to make a movie?” She got a SAG card because of it.” “We were driving back from the movie theater, and I was going back to work the next day. Steven Spielberg Wrote Mo Amer a Letter Raving About ‘Mo’